Monday, January 25, 2010
Rough Weekend
Needless to say it has been a yucky weekend. Most of it has been a blurr since taking anti-nausea medication makes me soooooo sleepy, but I guess that has it's advantages also.
Today has been some better, just still some cramping and diarrhea. Hope it has run it's course by tomorrow. Work calls you know.
No quilting done this weekend. Looking forward to next weekend.
Many blessings,
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Working on My Bee Challenge

I used some 2 1/2 inch strips and some varigated width of fabric that I had in my stash. (I knew that shaded fabric would come in handy someday).

As you can see there are some TINY pieces to this flower!! I've done hand applique before but this method of hand applique by machine is different for me. Now to look through my stash for some more values of pink, red and burgundy fabric to use. Not sure yet what other color flowers I'm going to make.
Better get back to work.
Happy Quilting,
Friday, January 22, 2010
Bonnie's New Book

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Rainy Day Today
I'm am so excited because Leah Day is coming to my quilt guild in February. I have followed her blog for a while and love the background filler's that she uses on her quilts. Mom and I are both signed up for the class and I know we will have a blast. Now to see if Haley wants to take the class also. Wouldn't that be fun!!
Here is the link to Leah's blog if you want to check out some of her designs.
Until later.......Happy quilting,
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Garage Update

Hope you have a wonderful, blessed day today.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Alike Yet So Different

Mom used a beautiful pink and burgundy poinsettia fabric as her focus fabric and the results is a stunning quilt.
Alike, yet so different. What a fun way to look back at the beautiful quilts produced from this class. If you ever get a chance to take a class from Lynn Busbee don't miss it. She is a wonderful teacher who is able to connect with students of all ages. My grand-daughter Haley was 13 years old when we took the class, and my mom was 72.
Hope you have a wonderful quilting day.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Diet Progress
It takes a while for your body to get comfortable with your new eating habits. I have much more energy when I limit my carbohydrate intake, plus the added benefit of less joint pain.
Thank you Lord for the ability to change habits and improve our health. Working in the Emergency Room you never know if you will have time to eat or not so having better saity with your meals is a must.
Today I have many things on my list of To Do. Our quilting bee meets tonight at Sue's house. One of my goals this year is to plan my working week so I can attend more of my bee nights. Those girls are wonderful therapy. If your ribs can stand the soreness after laughing so hard!!
Hey, that should count as exercise....he he he.
It is still cool here today, 33 degrees outside. I'm excited to get bundled up and go look at the garage. Roger started on the siding yesterday. He said only one doorway done so far, but progress is great.
We confirmed our winning estimate for the garage doors this week. We were able to get a much better estimate from a new contractor. Our goal is to have them installed before the end of February. YES!! Then we only have one more major expense and that will be the lift. Roger is so excited to see his dream garage coming together. It's hard to believe that a year ago there was only a concrete slab outside. Amazing what a goal and dedication to a goal can do. I've always said that you can do anything you set your mind to, and we have.
When the garage is completed our next goal is our Mortgage. The plan is to start putting the monthly money we've been putting in the garage construction into paying off our mortgage. The mortgage pay down is slated to start with our July payment. Then 3.5 years and we will be mortgage FREE!! So February 2014 should be our debt free year. What a wonderful feeling that will be. You can do anything for a period of time. All you must do is DECIDE it is important to you and do it! JUST DO IT!
Our garage and my quilting studio are prime examples of that philosophy.
I've ranted enough so now I'm off to do some business paperwork so I can quilt tonight with my bee peeps.
Happy quilting to all,
Thursday, January 14, 2010
What An Achievement

Mom and I get to share quilting. At 72 (almost 73) she enjoys piecing quilt tops and we are able to take classes together. I cherish the time we get to spend on our shared passion.
Today really is a blessed day.
As usual Happy Quilting,
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
1929 Chandler Deluxe Royale 8

This is the reason for my husbands garage remodel. We purchased the 1929 Chandler in 1999 in San Diego, CA.
My husband's father had been searching all of his life to find a chandler for purchase, we found this 11 months after he passed away. Roger is in the process of restoring the car. This is him driving the car in Florida at his mother's house after we purchased it.
So of course he needed more room than his 2 car garage to do everything he wanted with the car. He now has a 5 bay garage in which to play. Boys and their toys!!
I can't wait until we are driving the Chandler again.
Happy Quilting,
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Secret Sister Gift 2009

Saturday, January 9, 2010
Bee Group Challenge
January 2010

Merry Christmas from Shelia is a Beth Ferrier book entitled Hand Applique by Machine.
My challenge to each of the 6 members of the bee is to do one of the projects in the book using only your stash, NO PURCHAES ALLOWED.
Projects will be revealed at our Bee get together on April 9th. Then they can be shown at the guild meeting on April 13th. The project much be finished (that means, quilted, bound and a label on the back).
Maybe the Quilt Show Chairman will allow a special category in the show for Bee Challenges?
Looking forward to the final showdown.
Love ya,
Oh by the way……..there will be a prize for the winner. A very nice prize…..Do I hear Gastonia calling?????? We will vote by secret ballot at the bee reveal.

Until later.......Happy Quilting
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Snow....What Snow???
I'm making chili tonight for my Bee friends tomorrow night. Hope the weather allows us to meet.
I'll show some pictures tomorrow.
Goodnight everyone,
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Brain Dead!

Happy Quilting to all,
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Now I need to quilt some to help with stress. It is what I do to work out problems and stress. There is nothing that a little thread and fabric can't help. Thank you Lord for giving me wonderful friends, supportive family and lots of fabric to love.
Monday, January 4, 2010
A New Year

I also had time to quilt 6 projects this past year, since working on the garage we decided to take a staycation this year instead of going somewhere. We put the money we would have spent on a vacation into the garage building fund. I got to quilt for 6 days!! I had a blast. My mom also spent most of the week here with me, we loved being able to sew and play all day. I ordered food out and didn't even have to worry about cooking. NOW THAT IS A VACATION!!!