Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Back Relief

The Versa Disk is one of the best purchases I have made.  Not only does it keep your "butt" from totally going numb while you sew and quilt, it helps with back pain.  I was reminded how great this disk was at bee last week when Susan told me that her mother had hurt her back and was now using the disk all the time to help with pain.

I first learned of this from a vendor at our quilt show.  I noticed she was sitting on a blue disk and I asked her about it.  She then demonstrated how it helped her keep her posture and cushioned her buttocks when sitting for long periods of time.  I loved it.  The disk sits in your chair, since it is air filled it moved you side to side or front to back helping take pressure off of the muscles supporting your spine.  The cushion also relieves pressure off your coccyx (tail bone).   I purchased one as a gift for each of my quilt bee buddies, my mom and Susan's mom for each of us to use at our State Quilt Retreat in 2009.  We all loved how much it helped while we sewed all day.  It's a good thing!
If you attend classes or sit for long periods of time, you too may love this item.  You can purchase them at .  It is called  a Versa Disk.  It retails for less than $30 with shipping.  Well worth the investment!

Last night at our Quilt Guild meeting we had Dixie Haywood as our speaker.  She did a wonderful trunk show.  She has been quilting for more than 30 years.  Her work was beautiful.  Below are some of the quilts she brought, no way I could take pictures of all of the beautiful quilts she showed.  (I was so in awe of the beautiful quilts I kept forgetting to take pictures!)

Hope you have a great quilting day!

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