Tuesday, January 5, 2010


It is 19 degrees outside.....burrrr.....I think I am ready for spring. Today was a busy day at work, so I am very glad to be at home.

Below is my dear friend Antoinette who is very ill at this time. She has been a true friend for many years and I really miss seeing her at work. This photo was taken almost 3 years ago prior to her becoming ill. I say special prayers daily for her. She is one of the most humble people I have ever know. I don't think I have ever heard her put someone down or be depressed, even with a life threatening illness she keeps her positive attitude.I love you my friend and I am saying a special prayer right now for you!!

Now I need to quilt some to help with stress. It is what I do to work out problems and stress. There is nothing that a little thread and fabric can't help. Thank you Lord for giving me wonderful friends, supportive family and lots of fabric to love.


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